5 月 312021

Source: 5 分鐘快速了解 FontAwesome 5

FontAwesome 正式釋出第五版,在 FontAwesome 5 中,除了主色系從綠色變成藍色之外,究竟第 5 版中還多了哪些新功能呢?讓我們用 5 分鐘快速了解 FontAwesome 5 帶來什麼新功能吧!本篇內容完全出自 FontAwesome 5 官網的內容,整理後希望能讓大家利用 5 分鐘了解 FontAwesome 5 的主要功能和差異,關於更多其他的使用方式還是建議大家到 FontAwesome 5 逛逛看看。

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7 月 242020

Source: Only CSS loading spinner

Now that optimizing webpages for retina displays and mobile devices becomes increasingly important, you find tons of webpages offering CSS loading spinners. Unfortunately many of them are quite heavy and require you to add elements to your page in order to create them. I find it most convenient to simply add a class to the element in which I like to show a spinner. Back in the day the class would set an animated GIF as background image. With modern browsers we can achieve this with pure CSS.

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