10 月 232015

Source: Understanding GNU Screen’s hardstatus strings

My cur­rent devel­op­ment setup revolves mainly around Vim and GNUScreen. I use Screen only to keep ses­sions run­ning between work days or in case I get dis­con­nected, but lately I’ve been tempted to try using dif­fer­ent win­dows inside Screen. In order to make this eas­ier, I wanted one of those sta­tus lines that shows you all your win­dows as “tabs”.

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10 月 232015

Source: How to switch to > 9th window in screen session
Source: What are useful .screenrc settings?

1. CTRL-a-” will give you a graphical list of your windows that you can
scroll around in.

2. CTRL-a-‘ will give you a prompt to type a screen number. If you know
the number of the screen (e.g. 13) you could just type it here.

3. CTRL-a-n (or CTRL-a-p) will move to the next (or previous) window. For
example, if from window 9 you hit META-n you’ll now be on window 10.

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10 月 232015

Source: How to scroll in GNU Screen

GNU Screen is great. But, after half a year of using it, I’ve only now figured out how to scroll into screen’s buffer (courtesy of this tutorial). Normally, I just use SHIFT+PGUP to scroll up in urxvt’s buffer.

However, if I have two regions in screen, this doesn’t work. To scroll in screen’s buffer, I need to enter “copy mode”. To do this, type C-a [ or C-a ESC. (The latter option works great for me because I bound the prefix key to the backtick key instead of C-a.) Once in “copy mode”, I can scroll using the arrow keys or PGUP/PGDOWN keys. To exit “copy mode”, I press ESC. Scrolling within screen’s buffer instead of urxvt’s also prevents me from losing my place in my scrollback buffer when I switch screen “windows” (terminal sessions).

2 月 122008

#caption always “%{= wk} %{= KY} [%n]%t @ %H %{-} %= %{= KR} %l %{-} | %{= KG} %Y-%m-%d %{-} ”
#hardstatus alwayslastline ” %-Lw%{= Bw}%n%f %t%{-}%+Lw %=| %0c ”
hardstatus alwayslastline “%-Lw%{= Bw}%n%f %t%{-}%+Lw”

2 月 122008

未整理 – Richliu’s wiki

在 /usr/local/etc/screenrc 或 ~/.screenrc 裡加上 defencoding big5。「不要」加 defutf8 on,因為這樣待會兒可以省一步。:p

登入時用 screen -U。(和 screen 的 attach/detach 功能一起用,就是 screen -DRU 囉!)

如果 screenrc 裡加了 defutf8 on,那多半得再打 ctrl a :encoding big5 utf8。 o 我打了 ctrl a :encoding big5 utf8,怎麼沒反應? 請打 ctrl l 重繪螢幕。