11 月 152022

Source: 使用 K6 對網站作壓力負載測試

K6 是一套負載測試工具 Load Testing Tool,用 Go 語言寫的,但是測試設定是用 javascript

K6 最初是 Load Impact , Load Impact 之後變成了 K6 , 再來被 Grafana 買去了

而 K6 分 Open Source 及 Cloud 產品線, Cloud 是要錢的,不過有最多 50 人模擬不用錢

底下拿 Open Source 來作測試

(如果想知道各家負載測試工具比較評筆,可看 Open source load testing tool review 2020)

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11 月 152022

Source: Netflix 單機 800Gbps 伺服器所使用的最佳化技巧

在 Hacker News 上看到 Netflix 的人丟出來的投影片,試著了解 Netflix 的 Open Connect Appliances 裡與 FreeBSD 相關的最佳化技巧對於效能的影響:「The “other” FreeBSD optimizations used by Netflix to serve video at 800Gb/s from a single server」。

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7 月 162017

Source: The Benefits of Microcaching with NGINX

NGINX and NGINX Plus are commonly used as web content caches, ranging from individual websites to some of the largest content delivery networks (CDNs) in the world, such as MaxCDN and CloudFlare.

Microcaching is an effective method for accelerating the delivery of dynamic, non‑personalized content by caching it for very short periods of time. In this article, we’ll see how to accelerate a WordPress‑based application by up to 400x using the microcaching technique.

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7 月 162017

Source: A Guide to Caching with NGINX and NGINX Plus

We all know that the performance of applications and web sites is a critical factor in their success. The process of making your application or web site perform better, however, is not always clear. Code quality and infrastructure are of course critical, but in many cases you can make vast improvements to the end user experience of your application by focusing on some very basic application delivery techniques. One such example is by implementing and optimizing caching in your application stack. This blog post covers techniques that can help both novice and advanced users see better performance from utilizing the web cache features included in NGINX.

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10 月 042016

Source: 網站如何自動偵測語系跳轉頁面

早期網站或服務對於各種語言的使用者,在首頁都會出現一個選擇語系的畫面,這樣的設計已經非常過時,使用體驗很差。現在很多網站都是使用單一網址,當使用者進到網頁後,程式會自動判定瀏覽器所設定的語系進行轉頁,原理其實是透過判斷 HTTP Request 中的 Accept-Language Header 設定來實現,詳細規範可以參考 RFC-2616 (14.4 Accept-Language) 章節。

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